Programme Contents

This 8 week programme will help you to rebuild your relationship with your body

  • 1

    Before We Begin

    • Welcome

    • Welcome

    • Before We Begin Survey

    • Before We Begin Survey Summary

  • 2

    Week 1 - Why Do You Feel So Bad About Your Body?

    • Why Do You Feel So Bad About Your Body?

    • Unhelpful Thoughts About Your Body

    • WEEK 1 - MISSION

    • Hypnotherapy Recording - Body Positivity and Self-Love

    • Examining Beauty Standards

    • Examining Beauty Standards Summary

    • Beauty Standards Can Be Arbitrary

    • What Messages Did You Receive Growing Up?

    • Is it Even Helpful?

    • Old Photos

    • What Do You Most Value About Your Friends?

    • A Body Feel Good Playlist

    • Fat-Phobia

  • 3

    Week 2 - Body Dysmorphia and How to Overcome It

    • What Is Body Dysmorphia?

    • What Is Body Image?

    • Hypnotherapy Recording - Changing How You Think About Yourself

    • WEEK 2 - MISSION

    • Thoughts About Your Appearance

    • Thoughts About Your Appearance Survey

    • Thoughts About Your Appearance Survey Summary

    • Nurturing Self-Compassion

    • Body checking

    • Mirror obsession or mirror avoidance

    • Avoiding The Comparison Trap

    • What Are Your Grateful For?...

    • Challenge Your Thoughts and Find Evidence

    • Confirmation Bias

    • What are your triggers?

    • Things That Can Make Your Body Image Worse

  • 4

    Week 3 - Rebuilding Your Connection With Your Body

    • Reconnecting to Your Body

    • How Connected Are You To Your Body?

    • Hypnotherapy Recording - Reconnecting to Your Body

    • Are Your Needs Being Met?

    • WEEK 3 - MISSION

    • The “Shoulds” Overwhelm

    • How Improved Body Confidence Can Improve Your Relationship With Food

    • Do You Want to be Your Lifelong Enemy_

    • Why Thinner Doesn't Mean Healthier

    • How Bodies Change Through Time

    • Beauty Standards are Inherently Biased

    • What Would You Think When...

    • Living Life On Your Terms

    • Your Intuition

    • What Do You Want For Yourself?

    • What Do You Want For Yourself Summary

  • 5

    Week 4 - Boosting Your Confidence & Self-Esteem

    • What is Confidence?

    • How to Boost Your Confidence With Self-Compassion

    • WEEK 4 - MISSION

    • Hypnotherapy Recording - Boost Your Confidence

    • The Difference Between Self-Love and Self-Pity

    • Changing your relationship with the scales

    • How Self-Love Can Transform Your Relationships

    • Your Body and Sex

    • Can you Love your Body and Want to Change it too?

    • What is Self-Esteem?

    • Worrying About The Opinion of Others

    • Tools to Build Your Confidence

    • The 7 Types of Inner Critic

    • Not Letting a Photo Affect Your Confidence

  • 6

    Week 5 - What Is Your Identity & Self-Perception?

    • Your Identity and Self-Perception

    • What You Look Like Is Such A Small Part of Who You Are

    • Hypnotherapy Recording - Getting To Know You

    • WEEK 5 - MISSION

    • A Morbid Lesson

    • Is This a Form of Oppression?

    • Do You Want To Pass This Down?

    • What has your Body Carried you Through?

    • Who Are You Really?

    • Who Are You Really Survey?

    • What Gives You a Sense of Purpose?

  • 7

    Week 6 - Managing Your Thoughts

    • Managing Your Thoughts

    • Managing Your Thoughts

    • Hypnotherapy Recording - Boost your mood

    • Negative Automatic Thoughts and Cognitive Distortions

    • Exercises - Unpacking Your Thoughts

    • Unpacking Your Thoughts Summary

    • WEEK 6 - MISSION

    • Negativity Bias

    • How Social Media can Affect your Thoughts

    • A Quick Mindfulness Technique

    • How Your Thoughts Influence Your Behaviours

    • Evidence That You Can't Believe Those Negative Body Thoughts

  • 8

    Week 7 - Managing Unhelpful Perfectionism

    • Managing Unhelpful Perfectionism

    • Perfectly Unhappy

    • How Unhelpful Perfectionism can Block Self-Love

    • Hypnotherapy Recording - Manage perfectionism

    • WEEK 7 - MISSION

    • What do you Dedicate Time and Money to?

    • Tools to Manage Perfectionism

    • Do You Get Triggered By Other People Dieting?

    • Life is in the Journey not the Destination

    • Not Just DOING but also BEING

  • 9

    Week 8 - Working With Your Body For An Exciting Future

    • Moving Forward With Your Life

    • Reclaiming Your Body

    • Positive Affirmations to Build Body Confidence

    • Living For You

    • Setting Boundaries to Protect Your Relationship With Your Body

    • A Plan for Managing Your Triggers

    • Knowing That Things are Going to Change

    • How to Get Through Difficult Times

    • WEEK 8 - MISSION

    • Don't Waste Another Moment...

  • 10

    As We End

    • Congratulations!

    • As We End - Questions

    • As We End Summary