Programme Contents

This 8 week programme will help you to stop binge-eating and over-eating and to transform your relationship with food

  • 1

    Before We Begin

    • Welcome Video

    • Welcome

    • Before We Begin Survey

    • Before We Begin Survey Summary

    • A Personal Welcome

  • 2

    Week 1 - Why Are You Binge Eating

    • Welcome to Week 1

    • Video - Why You Are Binge-Eating

    • Thoughts About Food Quiz

    • Hypnotherapy Recording - Rebuild Your Relationship With Food

    • What Does Eating ENOUGH Look Like?

    • Managing Your Thoughts About Food Survey

    • Managing Your Thoughts About Food Survey Summary

    • But I am just not hungry in the morning

    • No More Diets

    • The W Word

    • It is natural to worry

    • Unhelpful Thoughts Around Food

  • 3

    Week 2 - From Deprivation to Nourishment

    • Video - From Deprivation to Nourishment

    • Welcome to Week 2

    • Eating Psychology Quiz

    • Hypnotherapy Recording - Body positivity and self-love

    • The intention behind your food choices

    • Why Health Is The New Black

    • Which Cult Will You Join?

    • The Dangerous Duo

    • What About Exercise?

  • 4

    Week 3 - Managing the Urge to Binge

    • Video - Managing The Urge To Binge

    • Welcome to Week 3

    • Recognising Your Binge-Excuses

    • Hypnotherapy Recording - Finding New Ways To Cope

    • The Beat Over-Eating Checklist

    • I'm Not Restricting Anymore So Why The Binges?

    • Managing Your Triggers

    • Managing The Effects

    • A Quick Pep Talk

    • Diet Danger Alert

  • 5

    Week 4 - Sleep and Alcohol

    • Video - Sleep and Alcohol

    • The Science of Sleep

    • Sleep Quiz

    • Hypnotherapy Recording - Sleep Soundly

    • Managing Your Blood Sugar Levels

    • Rebuilding Your Relationship With Alcohol

    • Challenging Your Assumptions About Alcohol Questions

    • Challenging Your Assumptions About Alcohol Questions Summary

    • Challenging Your Assumptions About Alcohol

    • What Would You Want For Your Loved Ones?

    • Is some resistance coming up?

  • 6

    Week 5 - Managing Your Thoughts and Finding New Ways to Cope

    • Stress and Food

    • Video - Managing Your Thoughts And Finding New Ways To Cope

    • Managing Your Thoughts

    • Just Because You Think A Thought

    • Negative Automatic Thoughts and Cognitive Distortions

    • Exercises - Unpacking Your Thoughts

    • Unpacking Your Thoughts Summary

    • Hypnotherapy Recording - Finding New Ways To Cope

    • Relaxation - Building New Habits

    • There's No Such Thing As Falling Off The Wagon

  • 7

    Week 6 - Boosting Your Mood

    • Video - Boosting Your Mood

    • Boosting Your Mood - Anxiety

    • Boosting Your Mood - Low Mood

    • Daily Check-In

    • Hypnotherapy Recording - Manage Stress and Emotional Eating

    • Questions - Boosting Your Mood

    • Questions - Boosting Your Mood Summary

    • Too Much Too Soon?

    • Hungry For?...

    • What are you scared to think about?

    • Is it bad to be an emotional eater?

    • Are you boredom eating?

  • 8

    Week 7 - Boosting Your Confidence

    • How you think about you

    • Video - Boost Your Confidence

    • Boosting Your Confidence and Self-Esteem

    • Hypnotherapy Recording - Boost Your Confidence

    • Confidence Questions

    • Confidence Questions Summary

    • Thoughts About Your Appearance

    • Thoughts About Your Appearance Survey

    • Thoughts About Your Appearance Survey Summary

    • Progress Not Perfection

    • Perfectly Unhappy

  • 9

    Week 8 - Looking to the Future and Your New Life

    • Video - Looking To The Future And Your New Life

    • Welcome to Week 8

    • Welcome to Week 8 - Summary

    • Hypnotherapy Recording - Manage Perfectionism

    • Your Food Rules Can Keep Your Trapped

    • Your Food Rules

    • Looking to The Future

    • Looking to The Future Summary

    • I'm Still Not Losing Weight... What Do I Do?

  • 10

    As We End

    • Video - As We End

    • As We End - Questions

    • As We End Summary

  • 11

    SOS - Help, I've Binged

    • If You Have Relapsed

    • What to do/not to do if you have binged...